Garland Roofing Guide

Professional Garland roofing contractor serving North Dallas, Texas with residential roofing for roof replacement and storm hail damage repair at

A few minutes outside on a local winter’s day is enough to make anyone want to escape the frigged outdoors, and hang out inside where it’s warm and safe. However, if your roof isn’t cared for properly, your home might not be the cozy sanctuary you thought it was.

What Your House Will Tell You About Its Faulty Roof
There are a few physical signs you might notice around your home, indicating that your roof might buckle. Obviously, if one of these things happens it doesn’t mean your roof is going to cave in, but if you start noticing several of these things, it might be time to call your local Garland roofing contractor.
    •    Your roof is sagging
    •    There are cracked or split wood members
    •    Your home's doors pop open by themselves
    •    Doors and windows are difficult to open
    •    You hear frequent creaking or popping sounds from your house
    •    There are bowed utility pipes or conduit attached at ceiling
    •    New or expanding ceiling and wall cracks
The 30 lb Rule

If your roof was built with modern building codes, they should be able to handle snow pile ups just fine, unless the weight exceeds 30 lbs per square foot. Older buildings might not be able to even withstand this amount of pressure.

“Dead load”
Whether it’s snow, water, leaves or additional HVAC equipment, the more weight that your roof has to support, the more likely it is to collapse. You don’t have much time to consult a Garland roofing professional before a big storm.

Drains and Downspouts Care Tips
These roof areas can easily become frozen, causing rainwater or melting snow to be unable to adequately drain from the roof. leaves can clog your gutters, also preventing the proper draining of water's weight off of your roof. Proper maintenance of your drains will help prevent your roof from collapsing or leaking.

If you haven’t been pro-active about winter roof care from the start, and you’ve noticed some of the signs above, then call us at 877-772-7581! We’re some of the best roofers in Garland and Richardson – roofing contractors you can trust!
